We want exceptional agents that want to be leaders.
Here at Inspire, we are focused on creating a streamlined organization that allows for a culture of productivity and success. We love freedom of ideas and hardworking business minded people. We have created an organization that allows agents and teams to focus on the business of buying and selling real estate without the typical busy work and unnecessary limitations of the everyday brokerage model.
As agents we struggle to do a million different things. We have to build website, run social media, blogs posts, marketing for our listings, mailers to our database and on and on.
Effective marketing, however, is rare in today industry leading agents to be constantly providing content with little to no return on the time invested. We aim to empower our agents with content so that they can focus on building relationships, not marketing.
Compliance and paperwork has become an unnecessary burden on the individual agent, taking up as much as a 1/4 of time spent in the business.
This low dollar earning activity is something that can be easily handed off so that the agent can focus on the what is the best use of time. We aim to empower our agents with expert transaction coordination so they can live higher quality lives.
Consistently we find that brokers are spending money on all the same things with little to now economies of scale.
Not spreading out these expenses on a broader group, and sharing resources means that each agent has to take on the full expense with little use. This creates a great deal of personal overhead with little to no return on investment for the agent to live and invest on, leading a vicious cycle of working poor.
Build Wealth
Too often we see brokers GROSSING great money, but due to lack of financial understanding, and true business experience, very little is kept, or is reinvested in to different ideas to grow the business without proper vetting. We want to empower our agents to keep the money they make.
The primary focus of our brokerage is to empower agents to not only sell a lot of real estate, but to invest their profits back into their themselves through retirement accounts, college funds for kids, or investment property. We want to have our agent our agents to not fall into the all too common trap of having a big career in real estate but ending up with little to nothing at retirement.
The culture of an office can have a dramatic influence on your daily success. We pride ourselves on having created an office that has synergy, and though seeing others actively pursuing their goals, will hold you accountable to work towards your own.
We have created a positive peer culture, where everyone within the organization holds each other accountable to their goals, and also coaches and trains each other so that we can all improve our skills, and businesses.
We regularly have fun events and get togethers to improve the quality of the organization and to build friendships and solid working relationships.